“I’m sorry, but your wife’s health is worse than we thought. The herpes virus has spread to her brain and is now attacking her cells…

“At this rate, it’s only a matter of time before the virus completely takes over.”
My ears started to ring and my vision became tunneled.

I couldn’t believe the words that were coming out of the doctor’s mouth.
How was it possible that my wife’s brain was being obliterated by
the common Herpes Virus?
All it was was a simple, run-of-the-mill cold sore, but eventually it spread into her brain, her throat, and throughout her entire body...

...causing painful joints, splitting headaches, and a devastating fever.

This one little cold sore was making her forget things, hindering her ability to walk and slowly but surely stealing her life.
We were doing everything we could to try and heal her.

There were dozens of doctors, specialists, and discouraging nights in the ER.

I’m nauseous just thinking about those nights watching over her in the hospital beds, as she lay there lifeless with sores all over her body.

The experience was so terrible that I vowed to never speak of it again.
However, this sickening tragedy is what led me to discover a simple, yet exceptional anti-herpes solution.
My discovery wasn’t exactly ‘new’ as it’s something that the polygamous Palawano tribe of the Philippine islands have used to protect themselves from herpes for over 1,250 years.

I found that this revolutionary solution worked so well for them because it’s known to destroy 87% of the embarrassing and painful signs of herpes in just under a week.
Hi, my name is Robert Clarke...
...and I can confidently say that I’m the enemy of every pharmaceutical company on this Earth.

That’s because the information I’m about to give you is costing them billions of dollars in profits….that’s in just one month.
Pharma reps are panicking, trying to shut me up before the word gets out to too many of you.
Money hungry big pharma wants to keep it a secret that the herpes virus is actually a warning sign of something much, much worse.

They sweep this under the rug, depending on your ignorance to keep buying their expensive medications that almost guarantee that your breakouts keep coming back.
They don’t want you to know the real reason why you can’t get rid of your blisters and sores….

They want to keep it hidden that your breakouts are actually stemming from inside of your body, where the virus is festering and spreading.

Each time a tender, pus-filled sore pops up on your lip, or that horrible burning down below returns, you’re probably much worse off than you realized.
If you don’t act fast, could end up hospitalized, blind, or even… dead.
This is why it was so important to me to make this video for you...

To show you what the experience of nearly losing my wife taught me.

I’ve also included a 10-second test that you can do at home, without any supplies, that will tell instantly if you’re infected with viral herpes poisoning.

And, I explain the immediate actions to take if you are.
In just a few moments I’ll share...
the top secret solution
that the Filipino Palawano tribe has been using to protect themselves from herpes for more than a thousand years.
The very same solution that the $5 billion herpes drug companies are trying to patent so they can sell it to you for thousands of dollars more than it really costs.

In just a few minutes you’ll learn how to rid your life of embarrassing...

And painful herpes symptoms so you no longer have to deal with self-confidence issues, staring, and humiliation.
You can finally take back control over your appearance...

...And enjoy time with family and friends without being conscious of your awful symptoms.
I’ve spent over 160 hours researching ways to save my wife’s brain from being destroyed.
And what I came up with is MUCH MORE SAFE than other solutions...

Like Famvir and Zovirax, which have been shown to have terrible side effects like robbing the body of minerals, nutrients, and vitamins.

I stayed as far away as I could from these drugs, knowing that they cause kidney failure, fatigue, headaches, diarrhea, and vomiting.
And, don’t worry, solution isn’t one of those useless lotions and creams that mask symptoms either.
What I’m about to reveal is a breakthrough in treating herpes that works for everyone.

Young, old, male, female…

Those who have recently contracted the virus and those who’ve been suffering for years.
It works on both genital and oral herpes, too.
According to scientific research...

From the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases...

The Albert Einstein College of Medicine and the Medical Journal of Virology...

This method works.
If you’re ready to try a 100% natural and completely safe breakthrough...
...that more than 4,850 former herpes sufferers are using,
...then stay with me until the end of this presentation.
By doing so, you’ll join the ranks of these former sufferers who have used this solution to destroy the cold sores that have been haunting their lives for years.

PLUS, you’ll finally be able to protect yourself from the life-threatening complications that are hiding in plain sight.
Stay until the end and you’ll see how you can fight back against viral herpes poisoning while...
  • Neutralizing your blisters and cold sores for the rest of your life...

  • Take back your beautiful smile...

  • And get ready to kiss your loved ones once again without worrying about passing on the virus...
It only takes a couple minutes to learn about this revolutionary method, but it could add years onto your life so that you can watch your kids grow old and finally tick off your bucket list.

Keep watching as I share studies to back up my claims, and present to you...
The Powerful Solution...
...that will free you from anxiety, shame, and embarrassment because of the herpes stigma.
This was certainly the case for John Stein, a 50-year-old of Austin Texas.

He writes...
My experience with the herpes virus taught me that I couldn’t trust my doctors.
I lived with the embarrassing and painful symptoms for more than 30 years after struggling with the shame and anxiety that came with every new date.

In fact, I stayed single for more than 15 years because after having the dreaded ‘I have herpes’ conversation with potential partners, no one wanted to be with me.

I thought that my doctors would have known every option to help me, but it turns out... I was wrong...

I was completely shocked by what happened to me and my dating life after following the simple steps in this presentation...
Within only four days... the cold sore on my lip dried up and vanished.
It’s been eight full months and I have had no outbreak or sores to speak of.

I’m still in shock... and in awe of this solution. I never thought something like this was possible for me. I finally feel confident around others, and I’ve even started to practice more self-love.

My biggest regret is that I wasted thousands of dollars on harmful medications and products that didn’t work.

Without your presentation, I would still be stuck in the same old rut, avoiding a dating life, and barely living at all.”
As I mentioned already, my name is Robert Clarke.
I live outside New Orleans where I studied Biology at our local university before spending decades working as a hydrologist around the country.

I want you to know that I came from a religious and hardworking American family where I was raised by loving, yet stern parents.

They always taught me to care for others before myself and to do what’s right above all else.

My family was close, which taught me the value of having loved ones in my life.
This is why I was so devastated...
...when my beloved wife was under attack from the herpes virus, as it ransacked her nerves and tissues, threatening to cut her life short.
Hannah has always been my everything. We met eight years ago using a matchmaking service for people living with herpes.

Both of us were widowed and after the devastating heartbreak of losing our soulmates, we found each other.

After our first date at the park, we were both hooked on each other immediately.

It wasn’t long before I popped the question in that very same park and Hannah said yes.
I was living a life that I never thought was possible after losing my partner from my first marriage.

Little did I know that Hannah and I were about to embark on an emotional roller coaster of fear, turmoil, and anger.
It was on an unusually brisk fall day that Hannah and I were walking hand and hand in the park.
I looked over at her and noticed a cold sore forming on the corner of her mouth.
This wasn’t unusual, as I had also suffered from the virus for years.

And, despite the spot, I still looked at Hannah like she was the most beautiful woman in the world.
You see, it wasn’t even her fault...
...that she contracted herpes since the person who gave it to her never told her he had it. He may have not even known it himself.

When I asked if she’d seen a doctor about it, she laughed it off, reminding me that a little cold sore was no big deal for people like us.

She said it was in the Lord’s hands and left it at that.
I didn’t want to push her, especially because she had always been stubborn and loved to be independent.

Plus, it was unusual for her to get sick, even the common cold couldn’t catch up with her.

Her high spirits and constant energy were just some of the reasons why I fell in love with her.

So, remembering all of these things about Hannah, I let it go and didn’t push the issue.
Unfortunately, things didn’t work out the way either of us had planned...

As time went on, more blisters popped up around Hannah’s mouth...

And she began feeling horrible, awful pain in her genitals.
The pain got so bad that she said... felt like someone was pouring hot grease all over her skin.
It wasn’t long before sores were popping up down there, making even the slightest movement unbearable.

Just when I thought the physical pain was more than she was going to be able to handle... the emotional pain bubbled up!

People in our community of friends and family somehow found out what exactly was going on…
And boy did that hurt.
People who we thought cared about us starting putting her down behind her back, making crude jokes, and leaving her emotionally distraught.

Our invitations to social events and church groups were almost non-existent as we became shunned from our community.

It was as if people thought they’d get infected by her, just by being in her presence.

The anxiety and depression paired with the pain sent Hannah on a mission to heal herself.

She tried everything from over the counter meds and prescription options to Chinese, herbal remedies.
The results?
Nothing but more pain... immense drain on our finances, and a condition way worse than before.

She fell into a depression so deep and so dark that I thought she would never be herself again.

She isolated herself and became so withdrawn that I forgot what her laugh sounded like.

The woman I had fallen in love with was gone, and... I couldn’t stand it any longer.
I forced Hannah to see a doctor, and was actually quite surprised when she agreed.
Sadly, it turned out that seeing a doctor was the WRONG thing to do...
...because all he did was prescribe Hannah a cocktail of prescription meds that made things so much worse.

He gave her Zovirax, Famvir, and a whole variety of anti-depression and anxiety drugs.
The meds seemed to work at first, giving us some false hope.

But, just as quickly, the nasty side effects started to show themselves.

In came the stomach cramps, the headaches, vomiting, fatigue, and diarrhea.
The poor woman couldn’t keep anything down.
Back to the doctor we went, only for him to switch her to Valtrex, which gave her kidneys some issues, causing extreme lower back pain.
Hannah just couldn’t win. And standing by and watching her suffer was extremely painful.
All I could do was try and research the medications she was on.
Understand their side effects and figure out how to make her pain less.

The Valtrex was extremely troubling to me...

Especially when I saw that a 2016 study discovered that renal function of healthy humans drastically declined just 12 to 48 hours after taking the drugs.

It seemed that big pharma was putting my dear Hannah’s health at risk just to line their already bulging pockets.
The worst part of all was that despite the medications, and their terrible side effects,
...Hannah was not getting any better.
Her oozing sores were more painful than before, and it seemed like her herpes was coming back 10 times stronger.

She formed rashes all over her body and felt sick to her stomach every single day.
It didn’t take me long to figure out that none of those drugs actually kill the herpes virus or prevent it from spreading.

I actually read a study in the Lancet Journal that found that in patients who took high doses of these drugs, the herpes virus survived AND breakouts remained the same at 16-20 a year.
How unbelievable is that?
I was livid.
How could Hannah’s doctor prescribe medicine to her that was a known failure at treating the root cause of herpes?

What was really going on? Was he on our side?

Did he want my wife to get better or did he want to please the pharmaceutical reps and earn more money to feed his boat fund?
We were feeling completely helpless...
We couldn’t trust the doctors, our friends and family members had shunned us, and we had nowhere to turn.

We felt like foreigners in our own town.

You might not be able to believe it, but things went from bad to absolutely horrible.
I remember the day like it was yesterday.

It was early December and Hannah and my daughter were sitting together in the living room.

Hannah seemed slightly better that day, which gave me hope that things could turn around.

But, in an instant, Hannah said she felt faint.

She stood up, hand grasping my daughter’s shoulder, and instantly collapsed on the floor.
She started convulsing, foaming at the mouth and remained completely unconscious.
After calling an ambulance, we got her to the ER where the doctors ran tests to find out the cause of the seizure.

When the results came back, I was utterly floored.
The doctors said that it all happened because of the herpes virus.
That it took over the nerves in her throat, hijacked her limbic cortex and infected the temporal lobes around her brain.
The herpes virus literally attacked her brain.
And, to make things worse, the doctors said there wasn’t much they could do since herpes are often resistant to most medicines today.

Apparently, these brain infections were becoming more common, completely shutting down people’s brains.
I had to see the brain scan…

To see the disgusting, red film that was covering her brain to even consider this could be true.

I was stunned that I was about to lose my wife, but also that this all happened because of a measly cold sore.

That this parasite was destroying her speaking abilities, motor functions, and robbing her of her memories.
How could this be?
Hannah’s situation may sound extreme,  BUT in just a few moments, I’ll reveal just how common this is.
In fact, people across the globe are facing an increased risk of dementia and suffering from eye herpes that can cause them to go blind.
I couldn’t accept it when I saw Hannah sitting there in the hospital bed, covered in sores, and unable to talk.

So, I did the only thing I could do…

I had no other choice but to dedicate every waking moment to research and find a way to save my one true love.

I began my search with the basics to find out exactly what triggers a herpes outbreak and found that the answer is not so simple.
Sleeping with multiple sexual partners could be a trigger, but Hannah and I were happily married so that was out.

A weak immune system, poor diet, or stress could also trigger outbreaks but Hannah was retired and healthy, spending her days reading, doing yoga and gardening.

She was a bit of a health nut, always making green salads for dinner and begging me to join her for exercise classes.
I decided to ask a different question…
Why was herpes so hard to control?
I didn’t get to the answer as quickly as I thought I would…

However… It led me down a path that would help me find the anti-herpes breakthrough I’m about to share with you.

Something interesting I discovered was that scientists found that the reason herpes simplex virus couldn’t be cured was because of transcription.
This means that the virus was able to hide out in healthy cells, take control of them, and then take up residence in the nervous system.

Basically, the virus totally camouflages itself from your immune system. It’s a bit of a mega virus that invades cells and makes copies of itself!

Think about an alien dressing up as a human and infiltrating our planet, ...waiting to strike and wreak havoc from the inside.
That’s basically what happens with the herpes virus.
Every time it decides to come out of hiding and attack, experience those red, oozing sores on your genitals or face.
I kept researching and things got even more interesting.
I found research from back in 2014 when a team led by Thomas Christie, a chief of molecular genetics at the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases uncovered a breakthrough.

He found that a drug called Tranylcypromine, or TCP,  could block the LSD-1 protein, which is the same protein that herpes uses for its transcription process..
The study found that by blocking this protein, they could keep the virus latent, preventing it from attacking the body.

This was BIG NEWS because it meant that...
People with herpes didn’t need to rely on antiviral drugs,
...which merely reduce the symptoms after the virus has already duplicated.
This study was so revolutionary because stopped the virus from replicating itself altogether!
Essentially, they found a way to cut off the herpes virus from its supply of genes, putting it to sleep.

This way, it couldn’t spread or replicate.
This was incredible news to stumble upon,

...but it left me wondering why Hannah’s doctors hadn’t told us about it.

As I thought even deeper about the situation...

I wondered why this wasn’t on the national news.

And what about the American Herpes Foundation?
They claim to be an organization dedicated to managing the virus,

...but why weren’t they telling the world about this revolutionary finding?
WellBig Pharma.
That’s why.
If word got out about this effective herpes treatment,

...these drug companies would LOSE billions of dollars from the hard working Americans who bought their useless and overpriced drugs.

Now things were starting to make perfect sense. These findings were buried for a reason.

Big pharma companies wanted to keep these findings under wraps...

...until they could create and market their own expensive drug that would be so ineffective that people would have to keep spending their money to get more.
What a sick cycle...
There was NO WAY that big pharma would let this information leak or else...

It could destroy their $4.8 billion dollar herpes market in an instant.
​​​​I was sickened by what I discovered.

That the people we trusted with our health were only exploiting us to make money.

They were literally profiting off of our misery and our pain.
...Hannah’s misery and pain.
I felt sick to my stomach.
I needed a second opinion... I called my friend Richard Carson who I had met back in college when I was studying biology. He was one of the smartest people I have ever met and was well-versed in technologies that kill viruses.
He was the perfect person to bounce my theory off of...that TCP could actually block the LSD-1 protein and kill the herpes virus before it could replicate or reactivate.

He was working on research in Southeast Asia at the time but when I told him my dire situation, and that my wife’s life was on the line, he agreed to speak with me.

I was frantic as I relayed my research that blocking the LSD-1 protein could stop the virus from the transcription process.
Richard went quiet on the other line...

Then, he said something that changed my world.
"You’re right," he said.
You can suppress the herpes virus by blocking the LSD-1 protein.

However, there’s just one problem.

TCP isn’t licensed and it’s not safe to use.

It actually has awful side effects like swelling of the throat, lips, and face.

It can cause breathing issues, vision loss, vomiting, chest tightness, tremors, and dizziness.
I had no idea that TCP was dangerous, and I started to feel truly discouraged.

But then Richard asked me to explain how the virus actually works.

I laid it all out for him.

How the virus replicates itself, hides out in the cells, and tricks the immune system so it can stay in the body forever.
Richard stopped me and said,
“That’s exactly why YOU need to find a safe way to block the herpes virus from the LSD-1 protein…

...for the sake of your wife and everyone else who is suffering.”
That got me motivated. It lifted my spirits.
And it gave me hope.
Richard gave me an excellent starting point as well.
“I’d begin with three nutrients: quercetin, curcumin, and resveratrol, he said.
He went on: “You’ve probably never heard of them, but their health benefits are extraordinary".
In fact, I’ve studied indigenous cultures in the Philippines that used these nutrients to protect themselves.

The nutrients are found in the soil of the jungle and were cultivated by polyamorous tribes for thousands of years.

With no access to western medicine or safe sex practices, these tribe people have unprotected sex regularly and don’t have access to hygiene services.
After studying them, my team found that they had zero cases of sexually transmitted diseases.

I had a feeling that these nutrients were helping them achieve a clean bill of health.

And, given that a large pharmaceutical company has recently been poking around the tribe, there could be a patent for this drug combination soon.

They may even be planning to use it as a new anti-herpes drug in the US.
I thanked Richard and rushed to hang up the phone and hit the books.

I spent hours upon hours reading through hospital research archives and university journals to find out everything I could about these three ingredients.

It only took a few hours of research to fill me back up with hope,
..the most hope I’d had in months.
According to my findings, people were using this trio to fight off diseases and infections before antibiotics were even a thing.

And, after looking at modern research, it turns out that this nutrient super agent trio has been shown to shield the body from genital and oral herpes.
It gave people a real fighting chance to get relief from embarrassing and painful cold sores and blisters.
What really sealed the deal for me was a 2014 study from the Albert Einstein College of Medicine.

It was here that researchers found that these natural ingredients, Quercetin, Resveratrol, and Curcumin, had the ability to inhibit LSD-1 activity.

The study also proved that these nutrients were more potent than TCP but had ZERO side effects and were 100% safe to use.
As I mentioned earlier, TCP is the drug that has been proven to block the LSD-1 protein so herpes can’t replicate or reactivate,

...BUT it’s very dangerous and has awful side effects.

It was amazing to me that I had, right in front of my eyes, solid, scientific proof that...

...the natural ingredients, resveratrol, curcumin, and quercetin were 100% safe and could be used to fight herpes and banish symptoms for life.
I was in shock…
I couldn’t believe that I was on the verge of a real answer of saving Hannah’s life.
I took a closer look at the first herpes fighting ingredient,
A study in the Medical Journal of Neurology found that this nutrient can stop the herpes virus from replicating by blocking genes from promoting the virus.

Essentially, this natural herpes fighter stops the virus from waking up so that you never experience outbreaks.

And in 2010, a study was conducted that found that curcumin had antiviral effects on HSV-1 and reduced HSV-2 activity by an astounding 50%.
I then did more research on the second ingredient, 
And found out this antiviral nutrient is often found in common foods like tomatoes, raisins, red onion, peppers and olive oil…

Which, by the way, are all ingredients in a popular Filipino dish!
I came across countless studies that showed antiviral properties of quercetin and its ability to fight against oral and genital herpes.

Studies show that when extracted from apples, quercetin can inhibit HSV-1 and HSV-2 by more than 50%.

Another study from India found that quercetin could kill HSV-1 and HSV-2 viruses.
Then came the third herpes-fighting nutrient, 
Which is a disease fighting polyphenol.

It is found in large quantities in red grapes, ...which are eaten heavily by the Filipino tribes people.

Here is why this ingredient is so crucial.

According to a study by the Indian Council of Medical Research, Resveratrol can inhibit replication and outbreaks of both HSV-1 and HSV-2 viruses by stopping the activation of the transcription protein…
Which means... We can STOP the herpes virus from invading healthy cells and making copies of itself without using harsh prescription medication.
It was absolutely amazing.
This trio of natural ingredients that could be found in the jungles of the Philippines...

Could completely vanquish the painful and embarrassing symptoms of the herpes virus…

... doing a better job than the medications on the market.
My heart was racing,

...and I was riding a high from my discovery.

So, I started wondering if there were other nutrients out there that could do the same thing.

That led me on a quest to review more than 100 different nutrients, minerals, and vitamins.
And eventually, I found six incredible anti-herpes ingredients that could potentially destroy herpes poisoning.
​​​​The fourth ingredient I found is L-Lysine, amino acid that is not produced in the body and must be taken in through diet.

In addition to LSD-1, the herpes simplex virus requires an influx of arginine to be converted into nitric oxide.

This improves blood flow and actually makes it easier to get herpes outbreaks.
L-Lysine helps in this situation because it binds to arginine, making it untouchable by the virus.

This helps prevent HSV-1 replication to free you from outbreaks.

In a study done by the Indiana University School of Medicine, subjects who took L-Lysine by mouth had 2.4% less HSV infections on average.
And, in a 2005 study conducted by the Southern California University of Health Science, ...L-Lysine increased healing processes by 87%  for people infected with pus-filled cold sores.

It took down healing time from 21 days to a mere 6 days.
The fifth herpes-fighting nutrient I found is 
Garlic Extract.
Garlic has shown to be effective in treating microbial infections, including that of the herpes simplex virus, according to the Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center.

Garlic extract has shown to contain antiviral, antibacterial, antiparasitic and antifungal agents.

Many health professionals are swearing by garlic’s ability to decrease cold sores.
A study conducted in 2014 even found that garlic was effective in curing cold sores within three to five days. That’s pretty miraculous.
The sixth herpes-fighting nutrient I found was
Vitamin C.
My research revealed there is a strong connection between the herpes virus and the immune system.

Research out of Rockefeller University has shown that those with a stronger immune system are less likely to get flare-ups and break-outs.

Those with a strong immune system have a better chance for fighting off unsightly blisters, nasty ulcers, and sores.
This is why it seemed like common sense for vitamin C to be added to this formula.

There are literally hundreds of studies that link vitamin C to the ability to boost the immune system.

I even added a few more power nutrients that have been shown to help fight against the herpes simplex virus.

Once I had my lineup of powerful, herpes-fighting ingredients,

...I called upon some colleagues to help me combine these nutrients into a single pill that would be side-effect-free but highly potent.
The doctor’s praises weren’t enough for me though.
Coming from a scientific background, I needed to prove that Hannah’s healing wasn’t just a fluke.

I took the pills myself and found that they wiped out my cold sore in only a few days.

I took it a step further and reached out to people in herpes support groups, inviting them all to try out my formula for themselves.
I formulated a new batch of the solution and was shipping it out to people all over the country.

I wasn’t prepared for what followed….

My phone starting ringing off the hook.
The volunteers who tried my solution had incredible results too.

People from the ages of 17 to 85 were leaving me messages, thanking me and asking to share their SUCCESS stories.
They were seeing massive improvements in the healing time of their cold sores.
Many reported that their blisters and sores healed days, even weeks, FASTER than when using their prescription herpes medication.

The success stories were incredible, and many of them were downright inspiring.
I heard tales of getting back into the dating scene, going back to school and finally engaging in an active social life.

Many people told me they no longer have to suffer from painful flare ups and have finally regained confidence.

Throwing out their ineffective creams and pills was a highlight for many of them.
They couldn’t be happier that they finally found a 100% natural and safe treatment to prevent their outbreaks for good.
After listening to their success stories, I realized that...
I needed to take this solution to even higher levels.
I needed to share it with the world and save as many lives as I could.

So, I found a local health manufacturer and started on the journey to take my herpes solution public.
I was extremely diligent during the production process, making sure that each nutrient was in its most bioavailable and purest form.

I didn’t want this product to be like 95% of other home remedies and supplements that don’t actually contain the ingredients they claim to have.
I decided to call my solution...
Beyond Simplex
The name fits perfectly with what it does, defend against herpes outbreaks and stop the problem before it starts.

It protects the body against future outbreaks and keeps you clear and free of embarrassing symptoms.
If you’re wondering how you can get Beyond Simplex and how frequently you’ll need to take it for optimal results…

I’ll explain in just a second.

To be completely transparent, it’s actually quite hard for members of the general public to get Beyond Simplex.

The ingredients must be processed in a state-of-the-art facility using special processes that not many places have access to.
And, because Beyond Simplex works so effectively,
...anyone who has tried it is knocking down our door for more so they can continue to live free of herpes symptoms.
Word has been getting out internationally, too, which is hiking up the demand to levels that are quite difficult to meet.

Especially because it can take up to four months to develop a custom-made batch.

So, because Beyond Simplex is expensive to make and takes a long time to manufacture, we frequently sell out.

And while this is the reality, I would hate to turn down someone who is suffering from the shame, frustration and pain of herpes.
That’s why, in just a few moments, 
​​​​...I’m going to share with you how you can get a bottle of Beyond Simplex as part of our new program to fight herpes.
Oh, and let me take a step back and answer the question of how much you need to take.

It’s pretty straightforward.
  • Just take two capsules once a day, at least 20 to 30 minutes before a meal...

  • ...Along with 8 ounces of water.

  • Do this for a minimum of 30 days.
Why 30 days?
Well, there’s most likely a buildup of the herpes virus in your body, hiding out in your nervous system undetected and waiting to cause you a painful breakout.

Even after Beyond Simplex takes down the herpes virus, you’ll need to keep giving your body the nutrients so you can protect against the virus long term.

Health professionals are actually recommending that people get at least four bottles of Beyond Simplex if they want to protect themselves for a full four months.
Taking it for at least 120 days will give you the BEST CHANCE at STOPPING the herpes virus from starting its transcription process.
All it takes is a little lapse in medicine for the virus to attach to a LSD-1 protein and cause a major outbreak.
People across the U.S are hearing about this revolutionary product from friends, family, and medical professionals who are willing to stand up to big pharma.

They’ve found the natural solution that will finally help them feel alive again.

Just like Timothy Lester from Georgia who said,
...“I’ve been suffering painful outbreaks for the past year and nothing seems to work...
...I’ve stopped hanging out with my friends,
broke up with girlfriend and kept to myself.

My job was suffering because I kept calling in sick, feeling too embarrassed as my mouth was full of cold sores.

But, I took two pills of Beyond Simplex...
...and the awful tingling went away in just three hours.
I’ve been taking the pills for a week and my cold sores have pretty much vanished. “
And then there was Missy Brown from Asheville, North Carolina. She wrote,
...“I’ve tried every medication you can think of and nothing worked quite like Beyond Simplex...

I don’t have health insurance, which makes it extremely difficult to afford all of the expensive medications I’ve tried.
I’ve been free of cold sores for the past six months after getting a supply of Beyond Simplex...
...and I don’t plan on ever trying anything else. I’m hooked.”
These real life testimonials are only a fraction of the incredible feedback we’ve been getting from happy customers who no longer live a life of shame and pain.

I should probably tell you that this product is only available on this very website while we still have some in stock.

 In fact, while we’re still in business.
Unfortunately, as we become more popular, Big Pharma is starting to catch on.
There are hoards of pharmaceutical lawyers out there who are not happy about what I’m doing.

They are NOT happy that thousands of people are using our 100% natural, safe, and affordable solution to reclaim their lives from the herpes virus.
I’m hated by a lot of these people, but I refuse to let them win.
To let them take the only solution that thousands of people have found to work, so they could get back a life free of pain and embarrassment.

It would kill me to let them win…

Because I know deep down in my heart that Beyond Simplex is the best way that people can free themselves from the crippling effects of herpes and the awful side effects that come with so many treatments.
Listen, I’m not trying to make you scared...
I’m just trying to share the truth that this virus survives in your body long term and can rear its ugly head at any moment if you don’t take the proper precautions.

The future is scary, but it doesn’t have to be.  When it comes to beating herpes for good, the answer is pretty clear.

The original investment I set for a bottle of Beyond Simplex was $120, which I truly believe is fair.
This is less than the cost of one month’s medication for many people.
It’s a lot less than the $1,000-$4,000 that people often pay for antiviral prescriptions each month or year.

And, unlike these other expensive options, Beyond Simplex actually provides the relief from painful sores and reduces anxiety that they’ll come back.
And, since there is only one manufacturing facility on the planet that can accomplish the most bio available and pure capsules of Beyond Simplex, this price really seems like a steal.
But I have to be honest..
To me… this is NOT about profit.
Sure, I could use the money to take care of legal bills… but there is something much bigger at stake here.

I want to help people, just like I helped my wife, Hannah.

I’m NOT motivated by money, I’m motivated by helping people heal.
I want everyone to have access to Beyond Simplex, which is why, for the first time, I’m offering Beyond Simplex to the public through my special program to fight herpes.

If you act now...and make the life altering decision to join over 4,000 women and men…
You can purchase a bottle of Beyond Simplex...
 for just
$69.95 per bottle!
And just wait…
Because that’s only the beginning!
I understand that being completely free from herpes symptoms is not only important to you but also the people you love.

I want to make sure that you and the people around you can enjoy a healthy, pain-free life for years to come.

And, I never want to see any of you end up in the hospital, covered in sores and blisters, and nearly dying like my dear wife, Hannah.
So, I’ve created a discounted plan just for you.
You can now get four bottles of Beyond Simplex for just...
$49.95 per bottle...
...which is a total of $199.80
You’ll only be able to get this discounted package today, through this website as part of my mission to fight herpes.

And, only while supplies last.

Another bonus is that you’ll get free shipping as well, which is a value of $9.95
Please keep in mind that this multi-bottle discount, as well as the free shipping, are limited.

Once I run out of bottles, it may take months before the next batch is ready to be shipped.

And even then, you may be fighting off hundreds of others who are trying to get their hands on a few bottles.

So, make sure to click the four-bottle package or another package option of your choice below this video right now, and you’ll be making one of the best investments for your health and wellbeing.
So, make sure to click the four-bottle package...
Or another package option of your choice below this video right now, and you’ll be making one of the best investments for your health and well being.
  • Just one bottle will immediately start working in your body to clear up those tingling, painful cold sores in days.

  • Four bottles will also help you heal while ensuring you don’t see another outbreak for at least 120 days.

  • And, when you stock up on four bottles, you can be free of symptoms for at least four months.
When you invest in Beyond Simplex, you’ll also get access to our powerful and valuable bonuses… absolutely FREE!
Our first bonus... an action plan that will teach you how you can boost your immune system in just two weeks.

It will give your body that added push in addition to Beyond Simplex, to keep those nasty herpes symptoms far far away.

With this immune-boosting advice, you’ll keep other illnesses like the cold and flu at bay as well.

And you’ll be able to steer clear of these annoying illnesses each and every winter.
The e-book retails for $39, but you can get it completely free by hitting the button below and ordering today.
The second bonus...
... is a revival system to spice up your sex life.

While herpes can definitely hurt your sex life, this bonus can help you get it back - literally overnight.

Also retailing at $39, this e-book offers a variety of methods...

To help you communicate about sex, welcome in a little experimentation and even incorporate a few tips and tricks that will finally help you get some satisfaction back in the bedroom.
So… what are you waiting for?
Just click the orange button below right now and choose a package option of Beyond Simplex that you think would be best for you.

Once you click the order button, you’ll be taken to our 100% secure checkout page to enter your order details.

And within just a few business days you’ll discreetly receive your package of Beyond Simplex to your front door.
So, go ahead and make your secure purchase of Beyond Simplex while we still have some in stock!
We honestly understand if you’re skeptical of a 100% natural product and if it will work for you.
We don’t blame you because big pharma and corporate America has spent billions of dollars to brainwash people into thinking that only their medications will work.

They want to keep Americans sick because it’s big business for them.

No wonder people are skeptical of all-natural remedies!
So, in order to ease your worries… I want you to know that you’re fully protected by our 90-day, 
100% money-back guarantee!
Here’s how it works...

Start using Beyond Simplex as soon as you get it…

And if you don’t see a massive improvement in your symptoms, and you don’t fight off your cold sores within days or weeks…

Just shoot us an email and our U.S-based team of customer service professionals will get back to you immediately.

They’re available 24/7...
And they’ll give you a quick and full refund, no questions asked!
But we’re not stopping there…

Here’s how we’re going to really make this an over-the-top, no-brainer decision for you…

If this doesn’t get the results you’re expecting, we’ll give an additional 100 bucks back to you... Just for giving it an "honest try!
We’re willing to take on a ton of risk here, because we KNOW it’s that good and you’re going to love the results.

Also… we won’t even ask you to send back the bottle, used or unused.

You can keep the entire thing and still get all your money back if you’re not happy within 90 days.

PLUS, the two bonus e-books are yours to keep!
So you really have absolutely nothing to lose here, and everything to gain.
This investment is
100% risk free.
​​​​All you have to do is click the button below to get started.
Now that we’re towards the end of this presentation, the ball is in your court.

You can make the choice to reclaim your life and take control of your health…
Or, you can choose to ignore everything you heard and continue to live with pain, embarrassment, and anxiety.

Even worse, you can continue on the hamster wheel of spending your hard-earned cash on medication that only lines the pockets of large corporations.

And, not only will it cost you financially…

But it will cost you your health as you increase your chances of other serious complications.
Look, my goal is not to scare you with all this.
I’m only telling you all this because I don’t want to see you suffer any longer.

I want to see you reclaim your health.

And you’re just a single click away from making that happen.

Just click the Add To Cart button below...
Remember, you can get a bottle of Beyond Simplex right now for only $69.95 per bottle, and even less if you get our popular four bottle package.
And, because I truly want nothing to stand in your way, we’re throwing in free shipping and the two added ebook bonuses!

Why are we willing to practically ‘bend over backwards’ for you?

It’s because we’re on a mission to help 1 million people live a life in which pain, worry and anxiety are a distant memory!

So by taking full advantage of this incredible offer… you’re helping us achieve our goal.
So go ahead…

And make the investment in your own health.

Just select how many bottles of Beyond Simplex you want to try completely risk-free and for a limited time discount price…

And I know you’ll be thanking us.
Click the order button below right now,
...and we can’t wait to hear back from you on your results!

These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The information provided on this site is for informational purposes only and any likeness to any individual (living or dead) mentioned in the above content is entirely coincidental. This is not intended as a substitute for advice from your physician or other health care professional or any information contained on or in any product label or packaging. You should not use the information on this site for diagnosis or treatment of any health problem or for prescription of any medication or other treatment. You should consult with a healthcare professional before starting any diet, exercise or supplementation program, before taking any medication, or if you have or suspect you might have a health problem. You should not stop taking any medication without first consulting your physician. If you are pregnant, nursing, taking medication, or have a medical condition, consult your physician before using this product.

Click here to find evidence of a test, analysis, research, or study describing the benefits, performance or efficacy of our ingredients based on the expertise of relevant professionals.

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